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LARAM Initiatives

LARAM School

LARAM Meeting 2023 @ WLF6

< LARAM Alumni event - From 2006, to today, towards the future >


Thursday, November 16

Palazzo degli Affari

Fourth Floor - Hall 4

13.00 - 14.00



Settimio Ferlisi - LARAM School, President

Michele Calvello - LARAM School, Coordinator

Sabatino Cuomo - LARAM School, Coordinator

Dario Peduto - LARAM School, Chair Technical Committee

Past-students of LARAM School - from 2006


After attending the LARAM School organized by the University of Salerno (Italy), many lecturers and students of the different annual courses have been meeting, here and there, at various scientific events, including recurrent conferences such as the World Landslide Forums, the International Symposiums on Landslides and the assemblies of the European Geosciences Union. Among them, it is worth mentioning an event specifically organized in 2012 by the University of Salerno in Ravello (Italy), in the form of a general meeting of lecturers and experts related to LARAM, to highlight possible future trends for teaching and researching in the field of landslide risk assessment, zoning and management.

At WLF6 in Florence, we decided to gather with (as many as possible) LARAM Alumni. To this aim, the LARAM School is organizing a lunchtime brainstorming session with the past LARAM students who are still active in the field and, as such, are participating in this important scientific event. Many of you, after some years from the participation in the LARAM course, have reached prestigious positions in academic institutes or other institutional entities, and thus face the issues and the challenges posed by landslides on a daily basis.

It will a rather short lunch-time meeting, but it will be hopefully long enough to launch some topics. A short initial presentation about who we are (who you are now, past LARAM-students), and a word cloud with some ideas will trigger the discussion. Then, we will say goodbye to each other, confident that some of you may be  lecturers in the next editions of the LARAM courses, while with others we will meet in research projects or conferences.