LARAM Class 2013
Selected students (listed by alphabetic order)
BARDI Federica (Italy) University of Florence, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Optimization of ground based radar techniques and their integration with other monitoring systems, for the development of early warning systems for landslide risk |
BISSON Alberto (Italy) University of Padova, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Experimental studies on the use of energy dissipaters in landslides stabilization (Sirive® Floating Anchors) |
BORDONI Massimiliano (Italy) University of Pavia Subject of PhD Thesis: Analysis and prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at different scales |
CIERVO Fabio (ITALY) University of Salerno, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Mathematical models for physics-based simulation of the hydrological response and its effects on slope stability and erosion processes |
CUERVO Yeison-Stiven (Colombia) INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE - Grenoble University, France Subject of PhD Thesis: Discret element modeling of rockfalls and application to real events |
DIPALMA LAGRECA Marina (Italy) University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: The study of land-use change and geotechnical-hydrogeological chracteristics, and their impact on landsliding in the Daunia Apennines. |
DJURIC (SERBIAN: DJURIĆ) Uros (Serbian: Uroš) (Serbia) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia Subject of PhD Thesis: Modeling of the mechanism of active slow moving landslide based on geomorphological and geotechnical data, supported by results of integral monitoring |
FERRARI Federica (Italian) Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Rock mass characterization by geostatistical techniques |
GHADR Soheil (Iran) University of politectica Barcelona ( UPC), Spain Subject of PhD Thesis: Hollow cylindrical apparatus performing of silty soil |
GHEORGHE Razvan-Andrei (Romania) University of Bucharest , Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Romania Subject of PhD Thesis: Special geotechnical problems associated to the transport corridors in Romania |
GREGÓRIO VAZ Teresa Do Carmo (Portugal) University of Lisbon, Portugal Subject of PhD Thesis: Triggering mechanism of landslides in Portugal mainland, the role of earthquakes and rainfall. |
GUI Lei (China) China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China Subject of PhD Thesis: Individual landslide hazard and risk assessment |
HEIDEMANN Marcelo (Brazil) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Subject of PhD Thesis: Geotechnical behaviour of tropical soils involved in slope failures in southern Brazil |
JORAT Ehsan (Iranian) Mixed program between University of Bremen and University of Waikato, Germany & New Zealand Subject of PhD Thesis: In-situ and laboratory geotechnical property evaluation of low strength on-shore and near-shore sediments in use assigned areas |
LI Yajun (China) Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Subject of PhD Thesis: 3D reliability and risk assessment of landslide hazards based on random fields |
LIU Fangzhou (China) Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Subject of PhD Thesis: Soil mapping & Information integration on Pre- & Post- Earthquake and/or potential hazardous zone for interaction between man-made infrastructure and natural topographic geological features |
MASSIMI Vincenzo (Italy) University of l'Aquila, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Monitoring Of Surface Diplacements And Study Of Slope Deformations Due To The Landslide. |
MATHIEU Alexandre (France) University of Strasbourg, France Subject of PhD Thesis: Multi-hazard quantitative assessment (landslide, debris-flow) at local and regional scales by combining process-based models in a context of global change (climate, landuse). |
MEIJER Gertjan (the Netherlands) University of Dundee, United Kingdom Subject of PhD Thesis: Slope stabilization by tree root systems |
MICCOLI Daniela (Italy) Polytechnic of Bari Subject of PhD Thesis: Dynamic response of cliffs to sea wave action in order to evaluate their stability and rockfall hazard. |
NOLESINI Teresa (Italy) Univerity of Florence Subject of PhD Thesis: Use of advanced monitoring system and numerical modelization for the study of coastal landslides |
PESHEVSKI Igor (Macedonia) Ss Cyril and Methodius - Skopje, Macedonia Subject of PhD Thesis: Preparation of landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk maps for some regions in the Republic of Macedonia |
PETERNEL Tina (Slovenia) University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Subject of PhD Thesis: Study of landslide Potoška planina (Karavanke Mountain, NW Slovenia) and landslide risk assessment for the village Koroška Bela |
PICIULLO Luca (Italy) University of Salerno, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Definition of appropriate rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning system. |
PITASI Antonia (Italy) "MEDITERRANEA" UNIVERSITY OF REGGIO CALABRIA, ITALY Subject of PhD Thesis: The research deal with the experimental and theoretical investigation on the impact of rapid flow against earth reinforced embankment. |
PRATESI Fabio (Italy) University of Florence - Technische Universität "Carolo Wilhelmina" Braunschweig, Italy - Germany Subject of PhD Thesis: Classification of seismic and potential hydro - geological risk for buildings by integrating innovative remote sensing methodologies. |
RUIZ CARULLA Roger (Spain) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SPAIN Subject of PhD Thesis: Geomechanical characterization of rock masses, fragmentation process in rockfalls events and risk analysis. |
SCHLEIER Markus (Germany) Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Subject of PhD Thesis: Geotechnical investigations of multiple landslide deposits and massive rock slope instabilities in Western Norway, using geomorphological mapping, DEM analyses, surface exposure dating, and numerical modeling. |
STEGER Stefan (Italy) Vienna, Austria Subject of PhD Thesis: Landslide modeling: Frequency-Magnitude relations (towards a Hazard map) |
TAPPENDEN Kristen Michelle (Canada) University of Alberta, Canada Subject of PhD Thesis: Geotechnical Risk Analysis of the Ashcroft Thompson River Landslides, British Columbia, Canada |
TORALDO Caterina (Italy) University of Cassino, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Design of ground improvement |
UTASSE Marina (France) UNIVERSITY PARIS 1 PANTHEON-SORBONNE, France Subject of PhD Thesis: Current and future risks of transportation networks prone to debris flows in the Alps. |
VALAGUSSA Andrea (Italy) University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Rockfalls |
VITALE Enza (Italy) University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy Subject of PhD Thesis: Lime and cement stabilisation, laboratory tests, microstructure, fabric, compaction, treatment parameters, partial saturation, suction, mechanical behaviour. |
WANG Bin (China) Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Subject of PhD Thesis: Progressive failure mechanism investigations of a long slope using Random Material Point Method |
WHADCOAT Siobhan Kathleen (UK) Durham University, UK Subject of PhD Thesis: Numerical modelling of the evolution of rockfalls |
WIEDENMANN Johannes (Germany) University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Subject of PhD Thesis: Research on landslides in Northern Bavaria with special regard on the sliding layers for generating a landslide susceptibility map. |
WIJAYA Martin (Indonesia) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Subject of PhD Thesis: Compression behaviour of unsaturated soils |
WILLIAMS Jack Gordon (UK) Durham University, UK Subject of PhD Thesis: Patterns of precursors to rock slope failure |
ZHU Jing (China) Tufts University, USA Subject of PhD Thesis: Developing a global geospatial liquefaction model for rapid response and loss estimation |
ŽIC Elvis (Croatia) Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia Subject of PhD Thesis: Rheology modeling, Debris flow modeling, Mudflow modeling, Hydrological data analysis, geomorphological analysis, GIS aplication, DTM, Solfec aplication, SPH numerical modelling, Grohovo landslide, Rjecina River |