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LARAM School / 2013

LARAM School

LARAM Class 2013

Selected students (listed by alphabetic order)



BARDI Federica (Italy)

University of Florence, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Optimization of ground based radar techniques and their integration with other monitoring systems, for the development of early warning systems for landslide risk


BISSON Alberto (Italy)

University of Padova, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Experimental studies on the use of energy dissipaters in landslides stabilization (Sirive® Floating Anchors)

BORDONI Massimiliano (Italy)
University of Pavia
Subject of PhD Thesis: Analysis and prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at different scales



University of Salerno, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Mathematical models for physics-based simulation of the hydrological response and its effects on slope stability and erosion processes


CUERVO Yeison-Stiven (Colombia)


Subject of PhD Thesis: Discret element modeling of rockfalls and application to real events



University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: The study of land-use change and geotechnical-hydrogeological chracteristics, and their impact on landsliding in the Daunia Apennines.


DJURIC (SERBIAN: DJURIĆ) Uros (Serbian: Uroš) (Serbia)

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia

Subject of PhD Thesis: Modeling of the mechanism of active slow moving landslide based on geomorphological and geotechnical data, supported by results of integral monitoring


FERRARI Federica (Italian)

Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Rock mass characterization by geostatistical techniques


GHADR Soheil (Iran)

University of politectica Barcelona ( UPC), Spain

Subject of PhD Thesis: Hollow cylindrical apparatus performing of silty soil


GHEORGHE Razvan-Andrei (Romania)

University of Bucharest , Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Romania

Subject of PhD Thesis: Special geotechnical problems associated to the transport corridors in Romania


GREGÓRIO VAZ Teresa Do Carmo (Portugal)

University of Lisbon, Portugal

Subject of PhD Thesis: Triggering mechanism of landslides in Portugal mainland, the role of earthquakes and rainfall.


GUI Lei (China)

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China

Subject of PhD Thesis: Individual landslide hazard and risk assessment


HEIDEMANN Marcelo (Brazil)

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Subject of PhD Thesis: Geotechnical behaviour of tropical soils involved in slope failures in southern Brazil


JORAT Ehsan (Iranian)

Mixed program between University of Bremen and University of Waikato, Germany & New Zealand

Subject of PhD Thesis: In-situ and laboratory geotechnical property evaluation of low strength on-shore and near-shore sediments in use assigned areas


LI Yajun (China)

Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Subject of PhD Thesis: 3D reliability and risk assessment of landslide hazards based on random fields


LIU Fangzhou (China)

Georgia Institute of Technology, United States

Subject of PhD Thesis: Soil mapping & Information integration on Pre- & Post- Earthquake and/or potential hazardous zone for interaction between man-made infrastructure and natural topographic geological features


MASSIMI Vincenzo (Italy)

University of l'Aquila, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Monitoring Of Surface Diplacements And Study Of Slope Deformations Due To The Landslide.  


MATHIEU Alexandre (France)

University of Strasbourg, France

Subject of PhD Thesis: Multi-hazard quantitative assessment (landslide, debris-flow) at local and regional scales by combining process-based models in a context of global change (climate, landuse).

MEIJER Gertjan (the Netherlands)
University of Dundee, United Kingdom
Subject of PhD Thesis: Slope stabilization by tree root systems
MICCOLI Daniela (Italy)
Polytechnic of Bari
Subject of PhD Thesis: Dynamic response of cliffs to sea wave action in order to evaluate their stability and rockfall hazard. 
NOLESINI Teresa (Italy)
Univerity of Florence
Subject of PhD Thesis: Use of advanced monitoring system and numerical modelization for the study of coastal landslides


PESHEVSKI Igor (Macedonia)

Ss Cyril and Methodius - Skopje, Macedonia

Subject of PhD Thesis: Preparation of landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk maps for some regions in the Republic of Macedonia


PETERNEL Tina (Slovenia)

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Subject of PhD Thesis: Study of landslide Potoška planina (Karavanke Mountain, NW Slovenia) and landslide risk assessment  for the village Koroška Bela


PICIULLO Luca (Italy)

University of Salerno, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Definition of appropriate rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning system.


PITASI Antonia (Italy)


Subject of PhD Thesis: The research deal with the experimental and theoretical investigation on the impact of rapid flow against earth reinforced embankment.


PRATESI Fabio (Italy)

University of Florence - Technische Universität "Carolo Wilhelmina" Braunschweig, Italy - Germany

Subject of PhD Thesis: Classification of seismic and potential hydro - geological risk for buildings by integrating innovative remote sensing methodologies.


RUIZ CARULLA Roger (Spain)

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SPAIN

Subject of PhD Thesis: Geomechanical characterization of rock masses, fragmentation process in rockfalls events and risk analysis.


SCHLEIER Markus (Germany)

Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Subject of PhD Thesis: Geotechnical investigations of multiple landslide deposits and massive rock slope instabilities in Western Norway, using geomorphological mapping, DEM analyses, surface exposure dating, and numerical modeling.


STEGER Stefan (Italy)

Vienna, Austria

Subject of PhD Thesis: Landslide modeling: Frequency-Magnitude relations (towards a Hazard map)


TAPPENDEN Kristen Michelle (Canada)

University of Alberta, Canada

Subject of PhD Thesis: Geotechnical Risk Analysis of the Ashcroft Thompson River Landslides, British Columbia, Canada

TORALDO Caterina (Italy)
University of Cassino, Italy 
Subject of PhD Thesis: Design of ground improvement


UTASSE Marina (France)


Subject of PhD Thesis: Current and future risks of transportation networks prone to debris flows in the Alps.


VALAGUSSA Andrea (Italy)

University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Rockfalls


VITALE Enza (Italy)

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

Subject of PhD Thesis: Lime and cement stabilisation,  laboratory tests, microstructure, fabric, compaction, treatment parameters,  partial saturation, suction, mechanical behaviour.


WANG Bin (China)

Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Subject of PhD Thesis: Progressive failure mechanism investigations of a long slope using Random Material Point Method


WHADCOAT Siobhan Kathleen (UK)

Durham University, UK

Subject of PhD Thesis: Numerical modelling of the evolution of rockfalls

WIEDENMANN Johannes (Germany)
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany  
Subject of PhD Thesis:  Research on landslides in Northern Bavaria with special regard on the sliding layers for generating a landslide susceptibility map.


WIJAYA Martin (Indonesia)

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Subject of PhD Thesis: Compression behaviour of unsaturated soils


WILLIAMS Jack Gordon (UK)

Durham University, UK

Subject of PhD Thesis: Patterns of precursors  to rock slope failure


ZHU Jing (China)

Tufts University, USA

Subject of PhD Thesis: Developing a global geospatial liquefaction model for rapid response and loss estimation


ŽIC Elvis (Croatia)

Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Subject of PhD Thesis: Rheology modeling, Debris flow modeling, Mudflow modeling, Hydrological data analysis, geomorphological analysis, GIS aplication, DTM, Solfec aplication, SPH numerical modelling, Grohovo landslide, Rjecina River