LARAM School 2015 - 3rd Asia Course
14th - 25th September 2015, Chengdu, China
LARAM is an International School on "Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation" that was founded on 12th April 2005 by the University of Salerno ( The Scientific Committee consists of international experts in the fields of Landslide Risk.
The main objectives of LARAM are:
1. to establish an annual 2 weeks high-level course for PhD students from all Countries, with international experts on landslide risk assessment and mitigation as teaching staff;
2. to develop high educational interdisciplinary programs for assessing, forecasting and mitigating landslide risk over large areas;
3. to promote the creation of "on the job" vocational training programs aimed at solving real landslide risk problems using the most advanced theories and methodologies in the fields of geotechnical engineering, geomechanics, geology, mathematical modelling, monitoring, GIS techniques, etc.
Participation Target:
The LARAM course is intended for 40 PhD students that are carrying out research in the field of landslide hazard and risk assessment. Participants should be registered as PhD student in a University and not have obtained their PhD yet at the time of the course. The participants should have a background in one of the following fields: Geology, Geography, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Geology or other Earth Science disciplines. Participants must have a good knowledge of the English language as the
course will be conducted in English.
The Class can also include a maximum of 20 Young Doctors who have discussed their PhD dissertation not earlier than 2010.
The LARAM Class of 2015 will comprise:
- the 40 selected PhD students must pay their own travel to China. Room, meals and local transportation will be paid by the organizing institute SKLGP (applications are OPEN)
- the 20 registered Young Doctors must pay their own travel to China and a registration fee of 360 euro, including participation to the lectures and fieldworks as well as room, meals and local transportation (regitrations are OPEN)
- Session 1 " Landslide types and classification"
- Session2 "Risk Theory and Risk Analysis for Landslides"
- Session 3 "Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning: international experiences"
- Session 4 "Geotechnical analysis at slope scale"
- Session 5 "Quantitative Risk Analaysis"
- Session 6 "Landslide risk mitigation"
Hosting Institution: SKLGP
State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection of the Chengdu University of Technology (China)
The main sponsor of LARAM School 2015 is the State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection of the Chengdu University of Technology (CDUT-SKLGP) from Chengdu, China.
The Lecturers belong to the Scientific Committee of LARAM with some other experts with international reputation coming from China, Europe and USA.
The LARAM School 2015 will be conducted at the State Key Laboratory on Geohazards Prevention, of Chengdu University of Technology (SKLGP) which has very good facilities, including lecture rooms, computer rooms, laboratories, and a guesthouse. Fieldwork will be done in the nearby area where 60000 landslides were generated during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.
The course is organized from 14 to 25 September 2015.
- The 40 selected PhD students must pay their own travel to China. Room, meals and local transportation will be paid by the organizing institute SKLGP.
- The 20 registered Young Doctors must pay their own travel to China and a registration fee of 360 euro, including participation to the lectures and fieldworks as well as room, meals and local transportation.
Applications of PhD students:
The course is open to 40 PhD students, which will be selected through an international call. Applications should be made by filling in the application form and by providing a CV (max 2 pages) and 1 to 3 letters of recommendation.
For application:
The deadline for applications is 30th May and selected students will be announced by 30th June.
For information, you can send an email to
Registration of Young Doctors:
The first 20 registered Young Doctors will participate to the LARAM School 2015 - 3rd Asia Course.
The deadline for registration is 30th May.
For application:
For information on payment, an email must be sent to