from Monday 2 to Saturday 7 June 2025, in person @ HKU
- June 2-7, 2025
- @ Hong Kong University (HKU) - Hong Kong, China
- from 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Chinese Time
The LARAM international training course in Hong Kong (China) is an initiative jointly conceived by the University of Salerno (UNISA), the Hong Kong University (HKU), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO). The aim the initiative is to develop and conduct a training course dealing with landslide risk management, to be delivered delivered by renowned landslide experts of international reputation.
The Course programme will consist of 8-hour daily lectures and tutorials from Monday to Tuesday, and from Thursday to Saturday. On Wednesday 4 June, a field trip will be organized to visit the field facilities (half-day) and the Laboratory facilities (half-day). More information will be available soon. The programme is structured in the following sessions:
- S1: Landslide features, inventory and monitoring
- S2: Landslide risk theory
- S3: Geomechanics of landslides
- S4: Landslide zoning
- S5: Landslide risk analysis, assessment and management
- Choi C. - Prof. Clarence Choi, Hong Kong University, CHINA
- Cuomo S. - Prof. Sabatino Cuomo, University of Salerno, ITALY
- Ferlisi S. - Prof. Settimio Ferlisi, University of Salerno, ITALY
- Jaboyedoff M. - Prof. Michel Jaboyedoff, Universtè de Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
- Ng C. - Prof. Charles Ng, Hong Kong Science Technology University, CHINA
- Thakur V. - Prof. Vikas Thakur, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NORWAY
- list to be completed
The LARAM class will be composed by 40 selected participants:
- Chinese PhD students, Young PhD holders and Young Professors (10 participants)
- non-Chinese PhD students, Young PhD holders and Young Professors with free accommodation (10 participants)
- non-Chinese PhD students, Young PhD holders and Young Professors (10 participants)
- Chinese qualified Professionals (10 participants)
- Note - Young: less than 40 years at the date of the LARAM Course, June 2025
- The selection of the participants will be based on following criteria that are in line with the well-establish selection procedure of the LARAM School. The selected participants will pay their own travel and accommodation expenses, as well as a registration fee.
APPLICATION FORMS (open soon, DEADLINE: 10 February 2025)
- PhD students
- Young PhD holders and Young Professors
- Chinese qualified Professionals
- PhD students: 300 euro
- Young Doctors: 350 euro
- Professionals: 400 euro
- The Local Organizers obtained special reduced fares.
- There is expected to be accommodation at the University of Hong Kong student halls during LARAM. The prices in June 2025 range from HK$194 (double room) to HK$423 (single room) per night.
- The accommodation will be confirmed sometime in February 2025 once we get a preliminary headcount of attendees. So please send us an email ( to reserve a hall. Since floors are on a single gender basis, please provide gender information as well.
- Each room is air conditioned and have shared bathrooms. Each person is provided a bed, pillow, bedsheet, blanket, chair and, wardrobe. Towels not provided.
- We will provide bank transfer information for registration fees by January 2025.
- 10 non-Chinese students will be supported with free accommodation upon motivated request to the Organizers (to be sent to Prof. Clarence CHOI, Hong Kong University, email:
FURTHER INFO about LARAM Course 2025 (Logistics and Administration):
- Clarence CHOI (Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, CHINA)
- email: