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LARAM School


6° LARAM Workshop

"SAFELAND (EU FP7 Project)"
Living with landslide risk in Europe / Vivere con il rischio da frana in Europa

7-9 September 2011
Salerno (Italy), Via Roma, 104 - Palazzo S. Agostino

Important date / Data importante:
5 September 2011 deadline for registration
Registration Fee / Quota di iscrizione: 150 € (2.5 days)
Simultaneous translation Italian-English / Traduzione simultanea Inglese-Italiano

The Workshop will disseminate the results of the SAFELAND (EU FP7 Project)

The scientific work packages in SafeLand are organised in five Areas:

  • Area 1 "Improving knowledge on landslide hazard, especially the triggering and run-out model" / "Valutazione quantitativa del rischio da frana" focuses on improving the knowledge on triggering mechanisms, processes and thresholds, including climate-related and anthropogenic triggers, and on run-out models in landslide hazard assessment;
  • Area 2 "Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)" / "L'avanzamento delle conoscenze sulla pericolosità da frana, modellazione delle fasi di innesco ed evoluzione" harmonises quantitative risk assessment methodologies for different spatial scales, looking into uncertainties, vulnerability, landslide susceptibility, landslide frequency, and identifying hotspots in Europe with higher landslide hazard and risk;
  • Area 3 "Quantifying global change scenarios (climatic and anthropogenic) and their impact on land-slide hazard and risk in the future" / "Quantificare i cambiamenti climatici ed antropogenici ed il loro impatto futuro sulla pericolosità e sul rischio da franafocuses" on future climate change scenarios and changes in demography and infrastructure, resulting in the evolution of hazard and risk in Europe at selected hotspots;
  • Area 4 "Development of monitoring technology, especially early warning systems and remote sensing techniques, and applications" / "Sviluppo ed applicazioni di tecnologie di monitoraggio, con particolare riguardo ai sistemi di allerta ed alle tecniche di telerilevamento" addresses the technical and practical issues related to monitoring and early warning for landslides, and identifies the best technologies available both in the context of hazard assessment and in the context of design of early warning systems;
  • Area 5 "Risk management, including toolbox or appropriate hazard and risk mitigation measures and stakeholder process for risk management" / "Gestione del rischio, incluso strumenti ed opzioni di mitigazione di pericolosità e rischio e processo di coinvolgimento delle parti interessate" provides a toolbox of risk mitigation strategies and guidelines for choosing the most appropriate risk management strategy.

(updated on 28/07/2011)

FIRST DAY - 7 September 2011  (09:00-19:00)

Opening Lecture
09:00-10:00    F. Nadim - Introduction to the SAFELAND project / Introduzione al progetto SAFELAND

Work Areas 1 and 2
10:00-11:30    J. Corominas - "Quantitative landslide risk analysis: recent achievements and challenges"
11:30-12.00    Coffee break
12:00-13.30    L. Picarelli - "The behaviour of active landslides and potential effects of expected climatic changes"

Lunch break (13:30-15:00)

Work Areas 1 and 2
15:00-16:30    K. Pitilakis - "From the hazard to the vulnerability assessment and loss estimation for buildings and infrastructures"
16:30-17.00    Coffee break
17:00-19.00    M. Pastor - "Numerical modelling of landslide propagation"

SECOND DAY - 8 September 2011  (09:00-18:30)

Work Area 2
09:00-10:00    S. Ferlisi - "Physical vulnerability to fast-moving landslides"

Work Area 3
10:00-11:00    E. Foerster - "Methodology for Climate Change scenarios integration into quantitative hazard assessment at selected sites in Europe"
11:00-11.30    Coffee break
11:30-12:30    E. Forester - cont'ed

Work Area 4
12:30-13:30    N. Casagli - "Innovative monitoring and remote sensing methods and future technology"

Lunch break (13:30-15:00)

Work Area 4
15:00-16:00    N. Casagli - cont'ed
16:00-16.30    Coffee break

Work Area 5
16:30-17:30    G. Sorbino - "The role of control works in the risk mitigation framework"
17:30-18.30    G. Vaciago - "A compendium of mitigation measures, with selected examples"

THIRD DAY - 9 September 2011  (09:00-13:00)

Work Area 5
09:00-10:30    L. Cascini / A. Scolobig - "Public participation in landslide risk mitigation decisions"
10:30-11.00    Coffee break
11:00-12:30    L. Cascini / A. Scolobig - Tutorial activity

Final session
12:30-13.00       Concluding remarks / Considerazioni conclusive


- Prof. Farrokh Nadim - International Centre for Geohazards, Oslo (Norway)
- Prof. Jordi Corominas - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)
- Prof. Kyriazis Pitilakis - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Prof. Luciano Picarelli - Seconda Università di Napoli (Italy)
- Prof. Manuel Pastor - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
- Prof. Settimio Ferlisi - Università di Salerno (Italy)
- Dr. Evelyne Foerster - Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
- Prof. Nicola Casagli - Università di Firenze (Italy)
- Prof. Giuseppe Sorbino - Università di Salerno (Italy)
- ing. Giovanni Vaciago - Studio Geotecnico Italiano S.r.l., Milano (Italy)
- Prof. Leonardo Cascini - Università di Salerno (Italy)
- Dr. Anna Scolobig - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna (Austria)



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