The 8th Alert Geomaterials Local Doctoral Course will be held from Monday September 5 to Friday September 9, 2016 @ Salerno University Campus. The topic is Geomechanics of landslides.
The main goal of the Olek Zienkiewicz Course and specific information about the previous editions since 2009 can be found at the web-page of ALERT Geomaterials.
This year, the OZ course will be jointly held to the first week of the LARAM School (LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation), which will be attended by 40 selected PhD students, who will pay their own travel to Salerno and a reduced registration fee of 150 euro (Applications are OPEN) and up to maximum 5 registered Young Doctors, who will pay their own travel to Salerno and a registration fee of 300 euro (Regitrations are OPEN).
Due to pedagogic reasons, the number of participants to the 8th Alert Geomaterials Local Doctoral Course is limited to 25. The deadline for registration is extended to 10th August 2016.
L. Cascini & C. di Prisco
Opening lecture and Introduction to landslides
Leonardo Cascini (Università di Salerno, UniSa)
Introduction to Risk Theory
Settimio Ferlisi (University of Salerno)
Risk theory (for site specific problems)
Farrok Nadim (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NGI)
Introduction to Landslide Susceptibility
Leonardo Cascini (Università di Salerno, UniSa)
Soil characterization for landslide analysis
Eduardo Alonso (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC)
Constitutive modelling in rainfall-induced landslides (including also a tutorial)
Claudio di Prisco (Politecnico di Milano, PoliMi)
Constitutive modelling in earthquake-induced landslides
Claudio di Prisco (Politecnico di Milano, PoliMi)
Thermo-mechanical coupling in fast catastrophic landslides
Eduardo Alonso (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC)
Diagnosis of landslide processing in clayey soils (including also a tutorial)
Federica Cotecchia (Politecnico di Bari, PoliBa)
Modeling of rock slides and rock falls
Claudio Scavia (Politecnico di Torino, PoliTo)
Modeling of landslides in coarse-grained soils (including also a tutorial)
Manuel Pastor (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM)
From geomechanics to landslide susceptibility analysis
Leonardo Cascini (Università di Salerno, UniSa)
Landslide susceptibility deterministic analysis
Sabatino Cuomo (Università di Salerno, UniSa)
Landslide susceptibility statistical analysis
Michele Calvello (Università di Salerno, UniSa)
The course will be held at the Campus of the University of Salerno (map).
To the 8th OZ Course students may get at a cost of about 100 euro:
the students may autonoumsly book Hotels, B&Bs, Youth Hostel in the Salerno downtown (Piazza Sedile di Portanova), 10 km far from the School venue (University Campus).
In this case, we reccomended to carefully check the distance from the main Stops of Bus n. 7, 17 or 27 (Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Piazza Malta)
(Note: registration fee to be paid to ALERT Geomaterials, as indicated in the registration form.)
available @:
Sabatino Cuomo (email:, Mariagiovanna Moscariello