(Bonnard, 0.5h): Introduction to LARAM 2008.
(Cascini, 1h): Introduction to landslides.
"Landslide analysis using approaches based on: Geology, Geotechnics and Geomechanics"
I-1 (Fell, Bonnard, 2h): Landslide identification. Key geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological features of: landslides in soils, large landslides and rock slides.
I-2 (Cascini, 1.5h): The geotechnical slope model.
I-3 (Vardoulakis, 3h): Basic geomechanics of landslides.
I-4 (Cascini, Calvello, 1.5h): Tutorial.
"Risk Theory and Risk Analysis for Landslides"
II-1 (Fell, 2.5h): Landslide Risk Management concepts and framework and examples.
II-2 (Nadim, 2h): Deterministic and Probabilistic models for slope stability evaluation.
II-3 (Pastor, 2h): Introduction to modelling of catastrophic landslide events.
II-4 (Bonnard, 1.5h): Empirical models for travel distance.
II-5 (Nadim, 2h): Application examples of probabilistic methods and semi quantitative methods for landslide hazard zonation.
II-6 (Fell, 1.5h): Landslide Frequency Assessment.
II-7 (Bonnard, 3.5h): Different components of vulnerability to landslides. Prevention and long term management of landslides.
II-8 (Fell, Bonnard, Nadim, 2h): Case Studies: coal waste dump risk assessment (Fell), example from motorway in La Reunion Island ( Bonnard), Aknes Rock slope in Norway ( Nadim).
II-9 (Fell, 1.5h): Application of QRA to other geotechnical problems ( Internal erosion of dams, crater lake hazard).
II-10 (Pastor, 3.5h): Advanced numerical models: initiation of landslides, propagation of sediments / climate change effects.
"Presentations by students"
III-1 (student presentations, 3.5h): Presentations by students about their research work + discussion
"Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning at different scales"
IV-1 (Cascini, 4h): Input elements to zoning maps. Zoning scales, levels and methods. Basic methods and procedures for zoning at small and medium scales (<1:100,000 - 1:25,000). Tutorial on susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning at 1:25,000 scale (Calvello).
IV-2 (Shiu, 6h): Natural terrain zoning and management criteria - Hong Kong practice and experience. Qualitative risk rating for individual slopes/hillsides and global quantitative risk assessment. Site-specific quantitative risk assessment and risk management. Tutorial on quantitative risk assessment.
IV-3 (Calvello, 2h): Statistical methods for susceptibility and hazard analyses. Tutorial on susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning at 1:25,000 scale -cont'd-.
"The role of sophisticated methods in landslide Risk analysis"
VI-1 (Cascini, 1h): Introduction to advanced slope stability characterization.
VI-2 (Nova, 3h): Analysis of the stability of soil slopes with low slope angles as a result of latent instability.
VI-2 (Darve, 3h): Finite element modelling of landslides by taking into account an hydromechanical coupling and an instability criterion.
VI-5 (Sorbino, 1hs): Flow-like mass movements in pyroclastic soils: triggering mechanisms and some remarks on propagation stage.
VI-2 (Alonso, 4h): Thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings in slope stability: the case of rapid drawdown, thermal effects in landslides. Tutorial on rapid slides.
"Landslide risk management and mitigation"
VI-1 (Leroi, 3h): Risk management on la Désirade Island and Pointe-Noire in Guadeloupe.
VI-2 (Sorbino, 0.5h): The role of control works in the risk mitigation framework.
VI-3 (Lacerda, 1h): Site investigation and field monitoring in the research of sliding mechanisms of residual and colluvial slopes in tropical areas.
Principles of prevention and long-term management of landslides, efficiency of drainage works.
VI-4 (Sorbino, 1h): Remarks on Control works for Landslide Risk Reduction and some Case Histories.
VI-5 (Lacerda, 1.5h): Principles and design of control works against rockfalls and shallow slides: solution in urban areas - the example of Rio de Janeiro.