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LARAM School / 2010




Special Session [1.0 hours]
Aversa: Risk categories within the Euro Codes

SESSION [4.0 hours] "Introduction to landslide analysis"
Cascini (1.0 hours): Introduction to landslides.
Corominas (1.5 hours): Landslides typology and classification. Geological analyses.
Cascini (1.5 hours): The geotechnical slope model.

SESSION [23.0 hours] "Risk Theory and Risk Analysis for Landslides"
Fell (2.0 hours): Landslide Risk Management concepts and framework.
Fell (2.0 hours): Landslide Frequency Assessment.
Corominas (1.5 hours): Empirical and semi-empirical models for run-out and travel distance.
Fell (1.5 hours): Application of QRA to crater lake hazard and case study of debris flow hazard and risk analysis.
Corominas (2.0 hours): Case studies rockfall hazard and risk analyses.
Bonnard (1.5 hours): Different components of vulnerability to landslides. Case examples?
Bonnard (2.0 hours): Long-term efficiency of protection works and residual risks.
Leroi (1.5 hours): Tolerable risk criteria and the practical management of risk, case example?
Leroi (2.0 hours): Landslide Risk Management at La Desirade Island and Pointe-Noir in Guadeloupe.
Nadim (1.5 hours): Deterministic and probabilistic models for slope stability evaluation.
Fell, Bonnard, Nadim (1.5 hours): Case Studies: coal waste dump risk assessment (Fell), example from motorway in La Reunion Island (Bonnard), Aknes Rock slope in Norway ( Nadim).
Pastor (2.0 hours): Introduction to modelling of catastrophic landslide events.
Pastor (1.5 hours): Advanced numerical models: initiation of landslides, propagation of sediments.

Special Session [7.0 hours] "The EU FP7 SafeLand project"
Nadim (0.5 hours): Introduction to SafeLand Project.
Leroi (1.0 hours): Demography and its influence on landslide hazard. Who are the stakeholders in a landslide risk management process?
Nadim (0.5 hours): Human-induced landslides.
Picarelli (1.0 hours): SafeLand Area 1: Triggering factors for different types of landslides. Summary of other results from Area 1.
Pastor (1.0 hours): SafeLand Area 1: Models and methods for estimating runout distance.
Vav Westen (3.0 hours): Use of GIS for landslide risk assessment.

Technical Visit [5.0 hours]


SESSION [15.5 hours] "Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning: international experiences"
Cascini (2.0 hours): Input elements to zoning maps. Zoning scales, levels and methods.
Cascini (1.0 hours): Basic methods and procedures for zoning at small and medium scales (<1:100,000 - 1:25,000).
Calvello (1.0 hours): Tutorial on empirical methods for susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning at 1:25,000 scale.
Calvello (1.0 hours): Statistical methods for susceptibility and hazard analyses.
Godt (2.0 hours): Landslide hazard and risk zoning at small scale: the USGS experience. Physics of infiltration and shallow landslide initiation: the TRIGRS model.
Godt (2.5 hours): Tutorial on the TRIGRS model.
Sorbino (1.5 hours): Susceptibility analysis of shallow landslides source areas using physically based models: the Pizzo d'Alvano case study.
Pang (1.5 hours): Landslide risk zoning at large scale: the GEO experience (I).
Pang (1.5 hours): Landslide risk zoning at large scale: the GEO experience (II).
Pang (1.5 hours): Tutorial on QRA at large scale.

SESSION [9.5 hours] "The role of sophisticated methods in landslide Risk analysis"

Cascini (1.0 hours): Introduction to advanced slope stability characterization.
Alonso (1.0 hours): Rapid drawdown and risks associated.
Alonso (1.5 hours): Fundamentals of thermo-hydraulic-mechanical interactions in soils.
Alonso (1.0 hours): Rapid landslides. Practical criteria.
Scavia (1.0 hours): Fracture mechanics approach for the analysis of progressive failure in slopes (part I)
Scavia (1.5 hours): Fracture mechanics approach for the analysis of progressive failure in slopes (part II)
Darve (2.5 hours): Geomechanical modelling of landslides.

Special Session [1.0 hours] "Memorial for Ioannis Vardoulakis"
Cascini, Papamichos

SESSION [7.0 hours] "Landslide risk mitigation"

Sorbino (2.0 hours): The role of control works in the risk mitigation framework. Principles and design of control works against fast landslides.
Lacerda (1.5 hours): Site investigation and field monitoring in the research of sliding mechanisms of residual and colluvial slopes in tropical areas.
Lacerda (2.0 hours): Principles and design of control works against rockfalls and shallow slides: solution in urban areas - the example of Rio de Janeiro.
Ferlisi (2.0 hours): Physical vulnerability to slow-moving landslides.